
A Blokes Layout & Card

This challenge is to create a 12 x 12 layout entitled "My Dad". Also is include in this challenge is a card from the layouts scraps - getting you sorted for Father's Day!

This layout can be your own Dad or your children's Dad. As my girls know Dads wear many hats and different personalities depending on the mood. Lovable funny Dad - Grumpy Dad - Fisherman, handyman or sporty Dad.

My own Dad turned 80 years old this year and is very active. He's definitely is "handyman Dad". My girls always say when something breaks - "give it to Grandad he'll fix it". I think he has shares in a glue factory.

Have fun recalling stories and memories of your Dad in your layouts. You have until midnight on the 29th August to submit your layouts by emailing them to fiona@scrapboxnz.com. Good Luck!


Vicki said...

Hmmm perhaps I should get the kids to make this one. LOL

Fiona said...

I'm sure they could give you ideas!!!

Jenny said...

I am finding the title restrictive